Bloom, hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st live.


hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st Live. 『Bloom,』開催に寄せて


English follows Japanese.

hololive IDOL PROJECTは2019年夏、ホロライブ初の全体曲「Shiny Smily Story」とともに発表をしました。

翌年1月、アイドル衣装と全体曲「夢みる空へ」「キラメキライダー☆」をお披露目したhololive 1st fes.『ノンストップ・ストーリー』。








そんな志を持つタレントたちがいる中で、hololive IDOL PROJECTとして何ができるかを改めて考えました。

そこで新たに、これまでのソロや全体曲とはまた違う、ホロライブという箱の多様性を組み込みユニット音楽を軸にしたアイドル活動を推進するために「hololive IDOL PROJECT Season 0 ~CORE!~」を発起し提案をしました。

「hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st Live. 『Bloom,』」は、これに集まったタレントたちによる活動の一つとして行う、全編オリジナル曲の音楽ライブです。





hololive IDOL PROJECT 総合プロデューサー

お願い:いつも応援してくださるファンの皆さんに感謝申し上げます。ホロライブのタレントはそれぞれが自発的に考えて、自身の活動方針や今注力したいことを決めており、私たちはそれを可能な限り尊重しています。「hololive IDOL PROJECT Season 0 ~CORE!~」はhololive IDOL PROJECTの新しい動きの1つであり、これに参加しているしていないに関わらず、タレント自身が否定していない限り、ホロライブのタレントたちはアイドルです。そのため、プロジェクトやイベント参加についてタレントに追及したり、誹謗中傷、デマ情報の拡散、過度な憶測をすることは避けていただけますと幸いです。


On hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st Live. “Bloom,”
In the summer of 2019, the hololive IDOL PROJECT was announced, along with its first all-member song “Shiny Smily Story”.
In January of the following year, hololive 1st fes. event “Nonstop Story” showcased idol outfits and two new songs, “Yumemiru Sora e” and “Kirameki Rider”.
We remember the emotions felt by every one of the talents as they saw the dazzling sea of lights and heartfelt messages from the stage.
Then we thought, we wanted to share this experience with everyone again…

However, due to COVID-19, it had been difficult for us to find opportunities to produce new songs and stage better performances. Time just passed us by.
“We want to do more.”
“We want to sing more, to dance more.”
“We want original songs to sing as a unit.”
“We want to grow as idols.”
Bearing in mind our talents’ wishes, we thought hard on how the hololive IDOL PROJECT would move forward.

Thus we had this idea: to create music and performing units based on the diverse range of hololive talents. These songs will be distinct from their solo and all-member performances. We call this project “hololive IDOL PROJECT Season 0 ~CORE!~”
hololive IDOL PROJECT 1st Live. “Bloom,” is an all-original song concert that will form a part of the activities of the talents under this project. Unfortunately, some talents may be unable to perform for the event despite their participation in the project.

“I want to bring out more of my shine.”
“I want to show them a different side of myself.”
“I want to give one song my all.”
“I want to sing a lot of songs. I want to dance my heart out.”
From concert planning to merch design, the talents will be involved in every step of the way to show the event is truly theirs to give.

The project and the talents involved are still very much learning and growing. We will strive harder for those who cheer us on, so that we can keep you excited for the future of hololive.
Their differing hearts carry a brilliance, blooming with beauty and pride.
May you accompany us as we witness these seeds bud into new possibilities.

December 22, 2020
hololive IDOL PROJECT Producers

A request:
We would like to thank the fans for their continued support.
The hololive talents each have their own goals and direction that they wish to take, and we support them to the best of our ability. “hololive IDOL PROJECT Season 0 ~CORE!~” is but one of the new components of the hololive IDOL PROJECT. Even if a talent is not part of this new project, please remember that as long as they recognize themselves as such, hololive talents are still idols. Accordingly, we would like to ask you to refrain from asking comments from the talents, slandering the talents, spreading false information, or excessive speculation regarding their participation in the project and event.